In english
Charlotte Weitze, born 1974, is a Danish author of fiction, poetry, lyrics and drama. She had her debut with a collection of short stories, titled “Skifting” (“Changeling”) in 1996, a collection of short stories for which she was awarded the prestigious Danish Debut Award. Charlotte Weitze’s authorship has been characterized by her exploration of the liminal spaces between social realism and the otherworldly. Critics have compared her literary style to that of authors like Karen Blixen, Kafka and Murakami.
Charlotte Weitze has received several grants for her work.
“Fandekke” 2001 (the title is a novel construct – reminiscent of the mythical character “Vanderdecken,” in The Flying Dutchman),
“Brevbæreren” (“The Mail Carrier”) 2003
“Sværmeri” (“Courting”) 2010 published by “Lindhardt and Ringhof”
“Harzen-sanger” (“Harzen-singer”) 2013
“Den afskyelige” (“The Abominable Snowman”) 2016
“Rosarium” (“Rosarium”) Gutkind, 2021
(About Rosarium here, sample of the book in english here)
“Ulvemælk” (“Wolfmilk”) Gutkind, 2025
Collections of short-stories:
“Skifting” (“Changeling”) 1996
“Bjergtaget” (“Spellbound”) 1999
“Mørkets Egne“ (“Areas of Darkness”) 2005
“Det Hvide Kvarter” (“The White Quarter”) 2011
“Klimaet og kunstneren” (“Climatechange and the artist”), U Press 2022
Where nothing else is indicated the books are published by Samleren/Gyldendals Publishing in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Radio plays for the Danish Radio:
“Tandfeen” (“The Tooth Fairy”) 2003
“Parken” (“The Park”) 2006
and the Lyric, “Gerda Lyhns Ballader “ (“Gerda Lyhns Ballads”) (2010).
Listen to the story “The fish” from “Det Hvide Kvarter”.
Translations (novels and collections of shortstories):
Sold to german publisher (Btb) and Poland (Jagiellonian University Press). Published in Croatian (Iris Illyrica) 2024, norwegian (Aschehoug) 2022, the Nederlands and Belgium (Meridiaan Uitgevers) 2023, and Estonia (Varrak) 2024.
German Publisher “btb” in 2006 – “Vom Gluck, ein Brieftrager zu sein”
Russian Publisher “Fluid” in 2006.
Russian publisher “Eksmo”, december 2017. Translated by Jegor Fetisov.
“Mørkets Egne”:
Latvian Publisher “Pegasus” in 2008 “Primaduse Parusma”
Short stories published in anthologies:
“Mittsommer bei den Elchen” “Piper” Publishing in 2009 and 2017
“Der Litteraturbote”, nr. 68, Frankfurt, Dezember 2002.
“Creatures of Glass and Light” Science Fiction Circle 2007
“Ahogy úgy ringatják a csípejüket, szemüket a földre szegezve”
Scolar, 2012.
Roboread publisher, 2014.
Mistrzowie Opowiesci – skandynawska zima
Wielka Litera, 2024
Short story published in the anthology “Freedom and destiny”. The anthology is published in cooporation between the danish writers union (Dansk Forfatterforening) and the writers union of Skt. Petersborg, 2015
Short story “Рыба” published in Тёмная сторона хюгге. Moskva, AST, 2021.
Short story published in russian magazine 2016, read here
Short story published in russian magazin Новый Берег 2016. Read here
Charlotte Weitze can be contacted through publisher:
Forlaget Gutkind
Læderstræde 9, 3
DK-1201 København K
Foreign rights:
Copenhagen Literary Agency
Ovengade Oven Vandet 8, 3rd floor
1415 Copenhagen K
email: info(at)